International Seminars Salamanca
Salamanca has been the venue for the 26th edition of the MAPFRE Global Risks International Seminars
An event that turned the city into the international center of the insurance industry and in which more than 400 risk managers and specialists from 23 countries in the insurance sector were cited.
This forum is a meeting that is organized every two years in a different city in Spain and is a meeting point for the insurance sector to discuss the trends and challenges faced by high risk managers. In parallel, round tables are held in which different current issues related to security are addressed.
International Reinsurance Markets

Degree in Business Management and Administration (Pontifical University of Salamanca).
Since November 2015, he has been the Chairman and CEO of the MAPFRE RE Management Committee and a member of the MAPFRE S.A. Executive Committee.
Previously, he was General Manager at MAPFRE RE (2011-2015), Deputy General Manager at MAPFRE RE (2008-2011) and Assistant General Manager MAPFRE RE (2005-2008).

Dominic Christian Global Chairman, Reinsurance Solutions AON RE
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James is Global CEO of Willis Re having been appointed to this position in January 2018. Based in London, he is responsible for leading Willis Re’s worldwide operation.
Previously James was based in New York and had the roles of Deputy CEO and President of Willis Re North America working in conjunction with Jim Bradshaw (CEO of Willis Re North America). James was charged with growing the Property, Casualty and Specialty operations throughout North America leading a collaborative and client focused organization.
Prior to his appointment as President of Willis Re North America, James ran the reinsurance operations for Willis Re Bermuda where he was responsible for developing new reinsurance business from Bermuda-domiciled companies and for managing inward business into the Bermuda reinsurance market. James was instrumental in establishing Willis Re’s unique Bermuda platform and ensuring that the Bermuda operation became fully aligned with the worldwide network of offices, thus allowing the global clients to receive local representation when dealing with the Bermuda reinsurance market.
James joined Willis Re in 2004 from Aon Re (now Aon Benfield), where he served as Director for 13 years, producing and placing Property and Casualty treaty business. During his final two-and-a-half years at Aon, James served as Vice President of Aon Re of Bermuda.

Peter Hearn is President and Chief Executive Officer of Guy Carpenter & Company, LLC, and a member of the Marsh & McLennan Companies Executive Committee.
Throughout nearly four decades in the reinsurance industry, Peter has served in a number of senior leadership roles. Most recently, he was Global Chairman of Willis Re from March 2011 to June 2015. Prior to that, Peter served as the company’s Global CEO from February 2005 to March 2011, during which time he was also a member of the Willis Group Executive Committee.
Peter began his reinsurance career in 1978 with Willis Faber and Dumas, working in the North American casualty, facultative, marine, and North American reinsurance divisions until 1981. That year, he joined the Philadelphia office of Towers Perrin Forster and Crosby, and became a partner in 1986.
Peter joined Willis Re as a Senior Vice President in January 1994 to establish and lead its Philadelphia office. He was appointed Eastern Regional Manager in October 1994 and Executive Vice President in 1997. In 1999, Peter was named one of three global/national production leaders; in 2000, he assumed overall responsibility for directing new business production efforts for global, national, and regional property/casualty business. In 2002, he became President of Willis Re.
Peter holds a BA in history and political science from Lake Forest College.
The Brazilian Market

Member of the MAPFRE Global Business Committee
Studied Accounting and Business Administration at the University of Málaga. Since 2018, he has been the CEO of MAPFRE Seguros Brazil, and since 2017, he has also been the Vice Chairman of the National Federation of Insurance Companies (FenSeg).
Previously, he was CEO of the Banco de Brasil Insurance Group and MAPFRE – Auto, General P&C and Affinities, CEO of MAPFRE BHD SEGUROS, CEO and Vice Chairman of the Board at BHD SEGUROS, and Reinsurance Manager for the Banco de Brasil Insurance Group and MAPFRE.

Guilherme Brochmann. Diretor Risk Management DHL LATAM
A graduate in Civil Engineering from the Mauá University in São Paulo, a Bachelor in Business Administration at Mackenzie University also with a Master’s degree in Corporate Risk Management from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation in São Paulo as well.
Worked in Insurance companies as Porto Seguro and Sul América for 20 years and since 2005 assumed a Risk Management position at DHL Logístics.
In 2012, he was appointed Director Risk Management for south cone, managing all business units of DHL within the region – DHL Supply Chain, DHL Global Forwarding and DHL Express with responsibility for Risk segments as Contract Risks, Operational Risks and all applicable insurance lines to the businesses.
Professor at a MBA at FESP at the subject of Security on Supply Chain and in 2015 published a book on Transportation Risk Management on Brazil.

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Christian N. Mendonça Insurance and Risk Manager – Brazil and South America NORSK HYDRO BRASIL
With Bachelor degree in Communication, and Masters in Business Administration, Christian started his career in Insurance back in 2002, as commercial manager of ACE Brazil Insurance company.
In 2003, he accepted an invitation from Marsh Brazil to join the Insurance Brokerage world, acting initially as International Client Executive, but later having the national leadership of the Energy and Oil & Gas Divisions.
As Risk Manager, and before joining Hydro, Christian also accumulated 6 years of experience leading the Risk Management and Insurance department of Schahin, one of the major Infrastructure and Oil & Gas companies operating in Brazil.
In Oct/2015, Christian joined Norsk Hydro Brazil as Insurance and Risk Manager, a new position at established at the local company.
Reporting to Norsk Hydro headquarters based in Oslo, Christian is part of Hydro Insurance Department and is responsible to secure, evaluate and manage all Hydro Brazil Insurance Program from all Hydro different Business Units operating in country In addition, he’s also assigned to collaborate and administrate different risk management initiatives towards the company assets, responsibility and operations.
After a short-term assignment working at Norsk Hydro ASA in Oslo in 2017, he assumed, since September 2018, a broader geographical scope of work, now managing Hydro’s Insurance Program in South America, and leads the Global Marine Cargo Program of Hydro.
Outside Hydro, Christian is part of the Board of Directors of ABGR, the Brazilian Risk Management Association, an important and active association that develops Risk Management best practices in Brazil, and also in partnership with other regional and global Risk Management associations.
Service Quality in Claims Management

Degree in Industrial Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. After two years working in the mechanical industry sector, on September 1, 1993 he started his career at MUSINI as an engineer for the Risk Management division. He subsequently held the position of Account Manager and, in 2000, was appointed Head of Risk Management. After starting at MAPFRE, he was appointed director of the Energy and Telecommunication Business area in the Risks Division of MAPFRE EWMPRESAS.
In 2008 he became Business Development Manager in the Global Risks division, and in 2010, he was appointed Assistant General Business Manager and Chief Underwriting Officer of MAPFRE Global Risks.
With the Global business restructuring of MAPFRE, in May 2019 he took over the Subdirectorate General of Claims with his current role as Chief Claims Officer of MAPFRE Global Risks Agencia de Suscripción.

Ignacio has a degree in Economics from the University of Santiago de Compostela, and an MBA from the Pontifical University of Comillas ICAI – ICADE. Following several years working in the management control and finance departments at a multinational in the food sector and a multinational engineering company dedicated to turnkey projects for urban waste collection, in 2006 he began his career with the Addvalora Group as a senior appraiser specializing in profit loss.
He is currently CEO of the Corporate & Specialty business, which covers specialties and complex claims, as well as the group’s international area. He is also a member of the Addvalora Group’s Board of Directors.

José María is currently the Managing Partner of the Industrial Risks department at DAC BEACHCROFT’s Madrid office.
He joined Davies Arnold Cooper in 2003 and since then he has been a part of the Industrial Risks department.
He has experience in providing consultancy for national and international Insurers and Reinsurers in claims related to Energy, Construction, Environment, Defective Production and Engineering, both under Third-Party Liability policies and in Damages and Lost Profit. He also has experience in Machinery Breakdown claims.
An expert in claims management covering multiple jurisdictions, José María has vast experience in claims management in Latin America and other regions. Currently, he manages claims in Chile, Brazil, Mexico and Colombia.
He also participates regularly in seminars on his areas of specialization, both in Spain and in the United Kingdom and Latin America, and he gives seminars in the area of mediation as an alternative conflict resolution method. He is a professor at the Comillas Pontifical University (ICADE).

Degree in law from the CEU San Pablo University with a Master’s in Telecommunication Law from the ICAI-ICADE Comillas Pontifical University; Master’s in Insurance Management from ICEA and Executive MBA from the Instituto de Empresa.
After having provided services to the law firm Gómez-Acebo & Pombo and a Telecommunications Operator he joined Telefónica as a legal representative for the Subdirectorate General of Risk and Insurance. He subsequently took on technical responsibilities within the Corporate Programs of General Third-Party Liability and D&O of the Telefónica Group, as well as management of claims relating to these Programs.
In 2011 he took over the Technical Management of Corporate Programs and Claims and technical responsibility of Casiopea RE S.A. (captive reinsurance) for all branches of the Telefónica Group’s Corporate Programs in subscription, claims and risk assessment.
In October 2018 he took over the Financial Management of Corporate Risk, adding Brokerage Operations Management for the Latam Group (Pleyade) to his previous responsibilities.
The LATAM Market

Paola has a degree in Law and Economics from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas. She joined MAPFRE INDUSTRIAL in 2001 as Branch Manager, and in 2005 she was appointed Director of the Aviation and Space Business Area.
Since 1st of May is She has been Director of Aviation and Transport at MAPFRE’s Global Risks Unit.

Since 2016, Ricardo has been the Corporate Risk Manager for the Americas Mining Corporation, the mining division of Grupo México, one of the leading comprehensive producers of copper in the world. He is currently responsible for risk management and transfer for the company’s operations in Peru, Mexico, the United States and Spain.
Before his appointment as AMC’s Corporate Risk Manager, he worked as the Risk Manager for Southern Peru Copper Corporation, a subsidiary of the group in Peru, for three years.
He has also led the Risk Consultancy division at Marsh Peru, developing and implementing consultancy projects in the leading sectors.
In addition to this experience, he has worked at one of the leading mass consumption businesses in the areas of Strategic Processes and Planning, Auditing, Internal Control, Supply Chain and Sales, which gives him a comprehensive view of large-scale operations.
He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Lima and a Master’s in Business Administration from LaTrobe University in Melbourne, Australia. He has also been a member of the General Volunteer Fire Service in Peru since the year 2000.

Degree in Civil and Industrial Engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile with an MBA from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Chief Financial Officer at Celulosa Arauco y Constitución S.A. (Arauco) for the last 14 years.
He began his career at Arauco 25 years ago as a financial analyst, and went on to become CFO of Arauco in Argentina and Director of Finance for Arauco in Chile. His current responsibilities include risk and insurance management for Arauco.

Architect from Universidad Javeriana and specialist in Strategic Management from Universidad de la Sabana in Colombia. He has training in personal and organizational development, risk management, management systems, Aviation Security and HSEQ.
Since December 2017, he has held the position of General Director of Comprehensive Security, Risks and Compliance for Avianca Holdings; he previously held the position of Director of Civil and Corporate Aviation Security.
During his more than 16 years of experience in the aeronautical sector, he has designed and implemented strategic projects related to risk management, safety and compliance that involve organizational change processes. He also served as Director of Airport Security at Opain S.A., Director of Security and HSE at Copa Airlines Colombia, General Manager and Project Director at International Aviation Security Group Colombia S.A. He is also currently completing a Master’s Degree in Risk Management.
The Spanish Market

He holds a degree in Technical Architecture from the Barcelona School of Building Construction. After several years working in the construction industry, he began his career at MAPFRE INDUSTRIAL in 2004 as an underwriter of technical engineering lines. He went on to become the Supervisor of ITSEMAP in Catalonia, Territorial Supervisor of the Material Damages sector, and Technical Director of MAPFRE EMPRESAS at the office in the Balearic Islands.
He joined MAPFRE BRASIL in 2012 as Executive Director of Industrial and Financial Risk, responsible for the sectors of Damages, Engineering, Civil Liability, and Bond and Credit for the Global Risk segment.
He has been Global Business Manager for MAPFRE IBERIA since January 2018.

Holder of a degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Seville and an MBA from the Business Institute of Madrid. In 1994, he began his career in the insurance industry as Property & Casualty Supervisor for Vitalicio Seguros’ Southwest region.
He went on to become technical director (Southern Region) at Bâloise Seguros. He started at the Telefónica Group in 1997, initially at Pléyade Peninsular (the Telefónica Group’s insurance broker) and then at the Corporate Center. Always within Telefónica’s Corporate Risks and Insurance area.
Risk and Insurance Manager at Telefónica S.A. from July 2014. Member of the Board for all Pléyade Group companies (Pléyade Peninsular, Pléyade Argentina, Pléyade Chile, Pléyade México, Pléyade Perú) and for Telefónica Holding Luxemburg, Telefónica Seguros and Casiopea Re. Member of the Board for IGREA (“Associate Risk Managers Initiative”) since 2014 and chairman of IGREA since 2016.

With a Law Degree, Juan Carlos López Porcel began his career at the steel company ENSIDESA (Spain), where he completed a development program in the areas of Operations, Finance and Sales to reach the discipline of Risks and Insurance.
During his 30 years of experience, he has participated in several merger and acquisition processes in the steel industry (Aceralia in Spain, Arcelor in Europe and, finally, ArcelorMittal with a multinational perspective, where he currently holds the position of Risk and Insurance Manager for the south of Europe).
With an International Executive MBA, a master’s degree in Maritime Law, a DGSFP-certified intermediary, expert in Risk Management and current chairman of the Spanish Association of Risk and Insurance Management (AGERS), he has been an associate professor at ICEA, teaching a module in the Risk and Insurance Management master’s program organized by that entity with the University of Salamanca; associate professor at the University of Barcelona (Expert Qualification in Risk Management) and regular collaborator at the ArcelorMittal University. Member of the FERMA-CRE awards panel, AGERS Julio Sáez Award and INESE Blue Award, he is a member of the AON Foundation Catastrophes Monitoring Center, participating regularly as a speaker at national and international forums, regularly publishing articles and works in sector journals and specialized media.

Martín is an Industrial Engineer from the ETSEI in Barcelona (1973 – 1979), a graduate of the Senior Management Program (PADE) at IESE (1988), and a Certified Insurance Broker (1992). He worked as the director of La Estrella Seguros in Catalonia from 1982 to 1990, when he began his career as founding partner of the CONFIDE Group, where he works as Chairman and CEO of Confide Correduría de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A.
Since 2005, he has also been Chairman of ADECOSE (Spanish Association of Insurance Brokers) and member of BIPAR (European Federation of Insurance Intermediaries). Since 2018, he has also been a member of the Insurance Consultation Board for the DGSFyP (General Directorate for Insurance and Pension Funds).
REE Underwater Cable Accident Rate

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ENEL ENDESA Institutional presentation

A graduate in Law from the Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Socaii in Rome, he got the enrollment to the Italian Barrister and Solicitor Register in Italy in 1992.
After several years working in tax consultancy area as an advisory and as responsible of tax planning in Finmeccanica, in 2004 he has been appointed head of International and Structured Finance in Enel.
Subsequently, he was responsible for Country Risk Management for Enel Group, within the newly created department of Risk Management, measuring and controlling risks related to the macroeconomic scenario and to the specific countries of presence of the Group.
In 2012, he was appointed head of Insurance of Enel Group within Finance & Insurance Department; in this role he created various global insurance programs for the Group entities and manages one of the largest European captive companies of the industrial segment.
Drones and Mining: Presentation of MAPFRE Global Risks Innovation Project

Bachelor of Environmental Science and Education Science from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Oscar has over 15 years of experience in the field of risk engineering.
Since 2013, he has been the technical supervisor at MAPFRE Global Risks, leading the team of Risk Engineers for IBERIA & LATAM. He previously served for five years as the Supervisor of the LATAM South team in Santiago, Chile. His professional career at MAPFRE began as Senior Manager of Risk Control at ITSEMAP Technological Services, managing the environmental and industrial risks department, and the complete portfolio of risks for technical services in the areas of safety and environmental risk.
Disaster Response. Emergency Military Unit of the Ministry of Defense

LTC. Serra is from the Cavalry unit of the Spanish Army. He completed the distance education course from the National Civil Protection School in 2006 and received a master’s in Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP) in workplace safety, industrial hygiene, and ergonomics in 2015. 11th class in International Crisis Management from the Instituto Universitario General Gutiérrez Mellado in 2015. 24th class in high logistics management in 2016. 6th class in Catastrophe Management in 2019. He speaks English and French.
Military career: 1987, Cavalry units. 1995, UE ECMMY in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH). 1998, Light Squadron Reserve Brigade “SPABRI VIII” in BiH. 1999, International Relations Center. From 2000 to 2001, Headquarters (HQ) of the KFOR IV mission in Kosovo, Serbia. 2002, EUROCORPS, France. From 2004 to 2005, ISAF VI HQ in Afghanistan. 2005, Department of Translators and Interpreters. 2006, Interim Commanding Officer of the First Emergency Intervention Battalion in Torrejón. 2007, MEU HQ, Seismic and Volcanic Risk. 2013, Commanding Officer of MEU ORP Service. 2017, NATO Intelligence Fusion Center, Special Operations Division, Molesworth, United Kingdom. Currently Head of MEU HQ External Relations.
Operational Risk Management Success Stories

An Industrial Engineer with over 25 years’ experience in the insurance industry and Risk Control Engineering at Spanish and international insurance companies. Master’s degree in Comprehensive Company Safety from Fundación MAPFRE. She is currently the coordinator of the MAPFRE Global Risks EMEA Verification team.

Member of the Upper Echelon of Officers of the Spanish Civil Guard (Major), on a voluntary leave of absence, he is a qualified Staff Officer and professor at the Center for Higher Studies in National Defense. For over 20 years, he has conducted a variety of tasks as head of the information units specializing in anti-terrorism in the Basque Country and Navarre, head of security details for the Spanish Prime Minister, liaison officer with the Italian Carabinieri in Rome, United Nations Mission in Mozambique, etc.
In 2011, he joined Prosegur as Global Security Director. At present, he is Global Director for Risk Management and Resources, which covers Security, Insurance, Intervention, Purchasing, Property, Fleet and Services Management.

Degree in Chemical Sciences form the University of Cádiz. Master’s in Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP) specializing in Security, Industrial Hygiene and Ergonomics, and Applied Psychology; Master’s in Comprehensive management of security, port facilities protection officer and hazardous goods security consultant. Representative for the refined oil industry in the commission for prevention of the Confederation of Andalusian Entrepreneurs and member of the board of the Andalusian Council for the Prevention of Occupational Risks of the Andalusian Regional Government.
He developed his professional career in the Gibraltar San-Roque refinery, starting in January 1991 as a process engineer in the manufacturing plants. In 1994, he became head of operations, which gave him a deep knowledge of the entire factory. In 1998, he went on to form part of the Security department, first as a technician and later as a security engineer. In 2006 he became Chief of Security at the refinery. Then, in 2014, he became the Cepsa Refinery Industrial Security coordinator, which is his current position along with Chief of Security at the Gibraltar San-Roque refinery.

Graduated with a degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in 1991. After working in the aerospace sector for several years, he joined the Directorate General of Civil Aviation in 1995 as the head of the Air Navigation Programs Service. In 2001, he moved on to INECO and specialized in project management and technical operational safety assessments for airports and air navigation systems. In 2006, he joined SENASA, directing the implementation of the DGAC safety reporting system, and participating in international technical cooperation activities for civil aviation authorities.
He has combined technical and management work with teaching responsibilities, collaborating with several universities and business schools, and is currently an associate professor at UPM. Finally, Antonio designed the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) Operational Safety Management course, of which thirty editions have been given to a total of over seven hundred aviation professionals.
Blockchain: New Transactional Security Paradigm

Convinced that decentralization is a possible path to global improvement with P2P technologies such as Blockchain. He has been the strategic development and project management advisor for the Blockchain ecosystem since 2012.
Coordinator Node Blockchain Spain ( and, Founding Member of the Latin American Blockchain community
Coordinating author of the best seller “Blockchain: the Internet Industrial Revolution” and author of the world’s first Bitcoin graphic novel ( – Bitcoin: Hunting Satoshi Nakamoto) and, as well as mobile games inspired by the world of cryptocurrency, on
He is current Global Head of Strategic Blockchain Projects at Evernym. He studied at the Pontifical University of Comillas-ICADE E-4 in Madrid, Spain, and ESB Reutlingen, Germany.
The Future of Energy: Risk Management Challenges

Over 30 years’ experience in risk and safety engineering, the past 7 years in the field of global risk insurance. Previously, at ITSEMAP, he worked in risk consultancy and engineering in a wide variety of activity sectors and specialties in this area, especially in criteria, methodologies and tools for risk assessment. MSc Mechanical Industrial Engineering.

Earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Sciences from the Autonomous University of Madrid and a master’s in Industrial Management from the Centro de Estudios Superiores de la Industria Farmacéutica.
In 2003, after two years working in the energy sector (BP, CEPSA), he started his career in the insurance industry at Musini, in the Energy and Telecommunications Department. Maintaining his focus on solutions to large risks, he later joined the Oil&Gas underwriting team after the MAPFRE Group acquired Musini.
In 2008, he joined the Insurance Department at Repsol, where he held various positions managing project assurance, insurance requirements in contracts, and the arrangement of the corporate reinsurance program. He is currently head of Upstream Insurance and Markets.

Yuri Rassega was appointed Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Enel in June 2016.
Prior to that, he was: Head of ICT Function in Enel Hydro SpA; Head of Global ICT Audit Function; Head of the Global ICT Solution Centre for AFC, HR and Procurement.
Before joining Enel, Yuri Rassega served with several responsibilities in the ICT industry, including the development of Banking Systems, TELCO & ISP Systems, ERP, SCADA, ACS, and ICS solutions for a variety of clients and facilities, his experience has been developed through a wide range of roles from coding and digital electronic engineering, to consulting, to entrepreneurial and C-level positions.
He is also an inventor, he thought up some digital fraud-detection tools and methods patented in Europe, the USA, and some Latin American countries.
He is member of some international institution’s expert working groups.

Santiago has a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Sciences, a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) and is an Advanced Electronics Technician.
He has been a Maintenance Engineering Manager at MASA, Technical Director of the practical electronics journal RESISTOR, Director of the Combined-Cycle Power Plant in San Roque, Cádiz, and General Manager of OPEMASA and POWER SUPPORT, both dedicated to power plant operations and maintenance. He is currently technical director of RENOVETEC.
He is the author of the books ‘Comprehensive Maintenance Organization and Management’, ‘Combined-Cycle Operations and Maintenance’, ‘Co-generation: Plant Design, Operation and Maintenance’, ‘Maintenance Contracting’, ‘Gas Engines at Co-generation Plants’ and ‘Solar Thermal Engineering’, among many others.
Risk Management in Large Infrastructure Construction

Public Works Technical Engineer with over 15 years’ experience in the area of risk engineering. With a comprehensive vision of risk management in infrastructures and industry as a result of his professional development at MAPFRE, initially in fire protection engineering and consultancy, he went on to specialize in Energy and Construction risks from the insurance company perspective. He is currently the coordinator of the specialties team (Energy and Construction) in the Global Risks Unit in the Engineering department.

With extensive experience in design, construction, management, and operation of major infrastructure projects and public facilities under many financial structuring modalities, especially in the railway sector, both in Spain and internationally, Carmen is a civil engineer who received her undergraduate degree from the University of Catalonia and graduate degree in international bidding from Ramon Llull University. She was the director of Infrastructure and Projects as well as Studies and Technological Innovation for the Barcelona Metro and General Manager of GISA, the infrastructure company of the government of Catalonia.
She is in associate professor at Ramon Llull University and a professor in different graduate and master’s programs at Polytechnic University of Catalonia and Pompeu Fabra University.
She combines her professional work with her dedication to teaching by giving courses and conferences around the world.
She is currently the General Manager of Line 2 of the Lima Metro.

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Firefighter competitions and Visit Salamanca

Firefighter competitions