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Annual reception for London Market brokers

Mr Ignacio Baeza, CEO meets and presents to top producing brokers.

MAPFRE GLOBAL RISKS (MGR) hosted its annual reception for London Market brokers, on Thursday 14 Sept., to say thank you for their continued support, in the fabulous surroundings of one of London’s top Spanish restaurants, Hispania, in the heart of the City of London.

The event was organized by senior executives of MAPFRE GLOBAL RISKS. On behalf of the Central Services Unit, Mr. Baeza, CEO and President of MGR, Bosco Francoy, COO, Jose Maria del Pozo, CFO, Jose Carlos Nájera, CUO, Fernando Gil, Director of Industry and Services, Cristina Criado, Head of Aviation and General Transports-Aviation and Jose Luis Garrido, Head of Energy and Construction – Oil and Gas.

MAPFRE GLOBAL RISKS’ offices in the UK were attended by Chris Smith, Director of Regions and Markets – International, Greg Harris, Director of the United Kingdom.Also attended Jair Marrugo, MAPFRE Assist and Javier San Basilio, MAPFRE Re.

120 of the London Market’s leading producing brokers, from Marsh, Willis Towers Watson, AON, JLT, RHK, Price Forbes, Lockton and AJG attended the event, where they enjoyed some fine Spanish hospitality.

The Hispania provided the perfect venue for the MAPFRE senior team to mix and mingle with the senior brokers and get to understand more about the current issues and opportunities in the world’s leading insurance market.

During the evening speeches were led by Mr Baeza, supported by Greg Harris, who opened proceedings, and Chris Smith, who reaffirmed MGR’s commitment to proving an outstanding and responsive service to London brokers and their clients, which MAPFRE is renowned for in Spain, LatAm and elsewhere worldwide.

In his speech Mr Baeza took the opportunity to thank the brokers for their business, whilst commenting on the difficulties for all parties, including clients, with the current soft market. He also reinforced MAPFRE’s commitment to London as platform for international growth, with the forthcoming opening of the magnificent new MAPFRE London office, to open in early 2018, on Lloyd’s Avenue in the City.

MGR’s London underwriting team also attended, to thank the brokers, including specialists in underwriting aviation, construction, energy, international programs and property risks.

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