Home > Risks Management and Insurance Magazine > News > Paola Serrano, director of Aviation and Transports at MAPFRE GLOBAL RISKS, among the seven women who represent the company in the Project “PROMOCIONA”

Paola Serrano, director of Aviation and Transports at MAPFRE GLOBAL RISKS, among the seven women who represent the company in the Project “PROMOCIONA”

Seven women from different areas have represented MAPFRE during the V edition of the Project “Promociona”, an initiative that seeks to strengthen and develop the skills and professional and leadership abilities of highly qualified women.

Within the framework of this program, a public event was held on Monday 16 at the Casino of Madrid. On behalf of MAPFRE Global Risks participated as mentee Paola Serrano García, director of Aviation and Transports, and as mentor, Juan Luis Román, deputy general director of the Technical Area.

The aim of this event has been that the participants of the V edition of the project met their mentors, those high executives that will help them to improve their professional capacities within the company.

Rocío Aragonés, deputy general manager of HR at MAPFRE IBERIA points out the MAPFRE’s strong commitment to gender equality and encourages further promoting the empowerment of women, recognizing their work, merits and professional value

With its participation in this initiative, MAPFRE reinforces its commitment that by 2018, at least 40 percent of the positions with some executive responsibility will be filled by women.

To learn more about the Project “Promociona”: http://www.proyectopromociona.com/

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