The event brought together professionals from the areas of risk inspection, claims regulation, underwriters of Large Risks, and executives from the Sales department to discuss issues related to risk management.
The importance of risk management in companies, best practices in the area and technological innovations for the sector were the main topics addressed at the 5th Risk Inspection Workshop, held by MAPFRE Seguros Brazil at its headquarters over the past week.
Held biannually by the company, the event aims to share the best practices developed in risk management and engineering and to better equip professionals involved in the risk inspection process.
According to Almir Fernandes, technical director of the Business Segment of MAPFRE Seguros Brazil, an efficient risk management process involves the admission and correct classification of the dangers intrinsic to the activity of each company. “Therefore, training and exchanging experiences with partners responsible for inspections and regulations is vitally important for the prevention process,” he stressed.
The workshop included a lecture by the president of the Brazilian Association of Risk Management (ABGR), Ida Patricia de Sá, who presented the main challenges for risk management and the importance of inspections in this context, and Helga Tomagnini, executive manager of Business Intelligence and Risk Engineering at MAPFRE Seguros Brazil, who addressed issues related to the importance of fire prevention and standards and legislation.