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MAPFRE Global Risks CAT Management Platform

From the Catastrophic Risks Department of the Global Risks Unit, we are working on an initiative that will make it more efficient to control the catastrophic exposure in more than 200 countries, where the company currently ensures more than 600 thousand situations of risk. With this objective will be implemented a sophisticated usable technique contrasted in the market.

The new Global Risks CAT Platform will automate the accumulation management from the moment of subscription, making exposure control more efficient. To this end, it will be integrated into the Mapfre Global Risks Business Subscription Platform, following the parameters agreed upon with the Subscription Area.

The evolution of this tool will optimize the company’s activity in streamlining processes, analysis and CAT reports in a more dynamic way.

With the new CAT Platform you will obtain the calculation of consumption and motorization of the capacity available automatically during the Subscription Process. It will also be possible to graphically visualize the risk situations insured worldwide and will facilitate the measurement of risks exposed to the impact of catastrophes in a much more agile way.

The automation of the control of the catastrophic exposure from the moment of the subscription, the optimization of the response to catastrophic events and the reduction of operational risk will be the main advantages that the new Platform will bring to the Global Risks Unit and that will imply for the company a great differential and strategic value.

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