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Management of natural disasters

MAPFRE shares the vision of its experts about the Management of natural disasters to respond to the large company customer

In view of the recent hurricanes Harvey, Irma and María, and the earthquakes in Mexico, the MAPFRE units that subscribe to catastrophe risks are especially concerned with the control of this type of event

This was explained by Juan Satrústegui, Manager of the Natural Perils Department at MAPFRE RE and Josefina Rodríguez, Head of the Catastrophic Risks Department at MAPFRE GLOBAL RISKS, two specialized departments that the company has in the above mentioned Units.

During the interview we offer, Juan Satrústegi explain that some of the sources consulted, in addition to news provided by the mainstream media, are the warnings issued by national and international organizations in the face of this type of event, as well as various mobile applications specifically created for this purpose.

For its part, Josefina Rodríguez from MAPFRE GLOBAL RISKS, highlights the importance that technology has acquired in the management and explains how her department works to achieve MAPFRE’s ultimate objective of always being close to the client in order to offer the best response.

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