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Málaga, the meeting point for nearly 500 risk managers from all over the world

Innovation, sustainability, resilience, Artificial Intelligence, and insurtech trends will be the focus of the MAPFRE International Global Risks Seminar

From June 5 to 7, Málaga brings together nearly half a thousand risk managers from all over the world who will discuss the opportunities offered by today’s real revolution, with countless trends whose effects are already being felt in different areas of life, the economy, and business activity. This meeting is the twenty-ninth edition of the MAPFRE International Global Risks Seminar, which will turn Málaga into the international epicenter of insurance business and risk management for three days.

Learning about the effects and impact of innovation and sustainability in an industry such as infrastructure, from Aleatica, MêtroRio, and Ferrovial, will be one of the forums for debate that will take place at this Seminar and delve into the trends and how insurtech is evolving, led by Javier Santiso, CEO and General Partner of Mundi Ventures.

One thing that is revolutionizing the present moment, but that will be even more important in the future, is Artificial Intelligence (AI), and insurance is being called on to play an important role in this area. Understanding the impact of AI on global risk management from a business perspective, with the CEOs of Keepler Data Tech and OdoseIA, together with the impact and consequences in the legal field thanks to the experience of Herbert Smith Freehills, is another debate that will attract attention during this meeting due to its novelty.

The reinsurance business, whose role in managing global risks is vital, will also have its place at this forum. Discussion about whether the reinsurance market is facing a cycle change will take place, as well as about the role and trends that will set the pace of captives in the insurance industry.

The challenges of electric vehicles, innovation in engineering services or in the mining industry, the space industry as a driver of innovation, the current economic outlook, and global employee benefit programs are some of the topics that will be addressed during the three days in which Málaga will be the international capital of the insurance industry, bringing together experts from more than 15 countries.

This Seminar, whose slogan this edition is “Opportunities of today’s Revolution,” is held every two years and has already become a meeting point and center of debate on the immediate and medium-term challenges facing global risks managers.

Moreover, the International Award for Excellence in Risk Management will be presented during this Seminar. This distinction recognizes the company that has made the greatest effort in risk management, in terms of both its policies and the culture implemented at the company to prevent, protect, and manage risks toward continual improvement.

The Mayor of Málaga, Francisco de la Torre, will be in charge of closing this Seminar, together with MAPFRE’s Vice Chairman José Manuel Inchausti, on June 7.

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