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International Congress of fire safety engineering

The event organized by APICI (Association of Professionals of Fire Protection Engineering) was held the 23rd, 24th and 25th of October at the Pontificia de Comillas Universty, ICAI, in Madrid and is a benchmark for the exchange of information on Fire Protection Engineering and the most important professional forum in Spain on all aspects related to this field and the risks engineering.

The Congress was attended by important institutional representatives (Ministry of Public Works, General Directorate of Industry of the CAM, SEPRONA …), of companies and national organizations (RENFE, Metro de Madrid, Superior Council of Architects’ Associations, …), and international, such as Prof. Brian Meacham (Dept. of Engineering of PCI at the Polytechnic Institute of Worcester-USA), Mr. Chris Jelenewicz (Technical Director of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers SFPE and graduate specialized in protective engineering against fire by the Univ. of Maryland) or Mr. Kevin Hughes, a leading member of the London Fire Brigade for more than 30 years, all of them world references in the field.

In order to be aware of all the advances in the techniques and development of fire prevention and protection in all public and private business areas, MAPFRE was present as the main partner of the event, together with the Pontificia de Comillas ICAI –ICADE University. MAPFRE was represented by Juan Luis Román Monzó, Deputy General Technical Director of MAPFRE GLOBAL RISKS who participated in the opening ceremony of the Congress, Eduardo García Mozos, Director of Commercial Development and Marketing of MAPFRE Global Risks and Vice President of APICI, who participated in the closing ceremony and Cesar López, Deputy Director of the Engineering Area of MAPFRE Global Risks-ITSEMAP, who presented the Master Conference entitled “RISK ENGINEERING IN THE INSURANCE OF COMPANIES. THE MAPFRE VALUE PROPOSAL. ”

During his presentation, Cesar López explained the importance of ITSEMAP, the MAPFRE Global Risks Engineering Area, as the “eyes” of the entity to guarantee a correct identification and evaluation of the risks subscribed by the company and, at the same time, as an element to help the insured through the provision of added value technical services, focused on the improvement and minimization of their risks.

The congress was attended by engineers from different MAPFRE areas: MAPFRE Spain, Media Area and DISMA of MAPFRE S.A. and MAPFRE GLOBAL RISKS.

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