During the meeting, the closure of the accounts from the previous year were approved and the new members of the Board of Directors were chosen.
On April 25, the IGREA General Meeting was held, which included the approval of the closure of the 2018 accounts and the election process for the renewal of the Board of Directors. These elections occur every three years, in accordance with the articles of association.
The new members of the IGREA Board of Directors are:
• Antonio de la Torre (Repsol)
• Augusto Pérez Arbizu (Telefónica)
• Daniel San Millán (Ferrovial)
• David González (Sacyr)
• Diego Domínguez (Prosegur)
• Gaizca Nicuesa (Siemens Gamesa)
• Julián Díaz- Peñalver (Red Eléctrica)
• Lourdes Freiría (Grupo San José)
The first meeting of the new Board took place after the General Meeting. This meeting continued the discussion about strategy and objectives based on a report created by the Advisory Board. The association intends to extend this discussion for some months before presenting a definitive document to the partners for their approval.
In addition, the election of the new Chairman of IGREA has been left pending for the next Board Meeting in order to give time for candidates to be submitted.