On May 31, the Ordinary General Meeting of AGERS was held at the Unespa auditorium, during which the new Board of Directors was approved for the next three years. The members of the new Board are:
1. Juan Carlos López Porcel – Chairman – ArcelorMittal España, S.A.
2. Mario Ramírez Ortúzar – Vice Chairman 1 – Compañía Logística de Hidrocarburos (CLH)
3. Esperanza Pereira Fernández – Vice Chairman 2 – Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea (AENA)
4. Juan M. Gayá Soler – El Corte Inglés
5. Ana Ruíz Fernández – Suez Spain
6. Juan Miguel García Mediavilla – CEPSA
7. Antonio García Lorenzo – REPSOL
8. Eva Pérez Pastor – Transfesa Logistic DB Grupo
9. Luis Jorge Lancha Vázquez – SENER
10. Gonzalo Iturmendi Morales – Secretary – Bufete G. Iturmendi y Asociados