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Actualidad Aseguradora Interviews Bosco Francoy

Bosco Francoy, CEO of MAPFRE Global Risks, answers questions about the company’s new expansion in Europe and North America, offering insurance solutions to large corporations, with a focus on the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America.

INESE has launched a special edition of the magazine Actualidad Aseguradora on the occasion of FERMA Forum 2024, the largest risk management event in Europe, held in Madrid from October 20 to 23. In its 95 pages, filled with content of interest to the insurance industry, the interview with Bosco Francoy stands out.

“With this new strategy, European and North American brokers will be able to count on MAPFRE Global Risks as their best partner in the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America,” Francoy highlights.

Read the full interview starting on page 74 of Actualidad Aseguradora.

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