Home > The current geopolitical context, according to Milosevich and Catrain

Contexto geopolítico actual, según Milosevich y Catrain

The current geopolitical context, according to Milosevich and Catrain

Mira Milosevich-Juaristi and Lourdes Catrain were invited as experts to MAPFRE’s Headquarters in Majadahonda (Madrid) to hold a round table discussion on the current geopolitical context.

On July 13th, MAPFRE offered its employees the in-depth analysis of Mira Milosevich-Juaristi, senior researcher at the Elcano Royal Institute, and Lourdes Catrain, regulatory partner at Hogan. As moderators, Juan José Pedraza Laynez, Corporate Director of Legal Counsel at MAPFRE ESPAÑA, and Laura González, Director of Legal Counsel at MAPFRE Global Risks, addressed the audience, which included Bosco Francoy, CEO of MAPFRE Global Risks.

The meeting featured 15 minutes of presentations, followed by a debate with questions raised by the moderators, and reflections from the audience.

As MAPFRE.com highlights in its article, the main headline of the meeting was the hostile takeover bid that Geopolitics has made on Economics and Law, in the experts’ opinion. Milosevich pointed out that the world order seems to be suffering serious consequences as a result of the war in Ukraine, as revisionist powers are on the rise along with ad hoc alliances. For her part, Catrain discussed Europe’s energy dependence on Russian gas and the “legal creativity” that has had to be put in place so that European companies are not harmed by sanctions against Russia. In this regard, she also explained the effects of Russia being one of the five members of the United Nations Security Council and the new regulations that are converging to ensure legal harmonization throughout the European Union.

Read the full article at MAPFRE.COM: The hostile takeover bid of Geopolitics on Economics and Law.

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